Fixed Price Quality Projects

We provide all type of services in a reasonable and affordable prices. All fixed-price web development packages contain responsive web design professional WordPress development.

Basic SEO, and other web development services. All you should do is choose the most appropriate package for your business and we will deal it with you accordingly.


What does Fixed Price mean?

A fixed pricing model is a way that guarantees a fixed budget for your new website with an originally agreed set of features and functions. The main difference from the flexible price model is the fixed scope of project tasks that are based on price packages. That is why it allows reducing the cost.

Financial Management Celestials Technologies Specializes

We provide consulting for the successful implementation of one or several integrated financial management solutions:


Cost Clarity

A fixed-price contract provides a predictable scenario for both the buyer and the seller, as well as stability for both parties throughout the contract. A buyer may be apprehensive that the price of a good or service will rise unexpectedly, disrupting his business objectives.


Market Change

When market forces alter the value of a product including any materials required in its creation, a fixed-price contract can be advantageous or disadvantageous. If market forces drive the value of the service to skyrocket, the buyer benefits.


Financial Capacity

Even though a fixed-price contract may cost a buyer more money up front, the buyer can budget for the contract’s expenditures and ensure that it has adequate funds to meet its obligations. When the price of a commodity or service rises drastically.


Fixed Deadline

The development team can better predict the project’s timeline with a final scope and specified features. They can then create a clear plan with specific deadlines based on this information. This is helpful for both the client and company.


Simple to Follow

At any point during the project, you’ll know which features will be implemented. You’ll also be able to detect if the delivery is running late also the development team is also worried to deliver the work in given deadline.


Minimal Involvement

You can delegate project management to the developer team now that the project details have been finalised. You don’t need to keep an eye on things all the time, so you can keep your involvement to a minimal.

Award and Achivements

We are proud to be recognized as a top service provider by these platforms.
